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the psychology of motivation and emotion

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Ever thought about what gets you going each day or why some activities just click with you? This question is rooted in the link between motivation and emotion. Grasping this connection is handy in our daily lives, as these emotions and drives shape how we act and feel. In this article, we’re diving into the […]


Principles of Ethical Leadership


Core Principles of Ethical Leadership and Essential Strategies for Modern Leaders

Being a true leader is something that goes beyond making decisions or directing teams. It’s about embodying the right values and setting ethical behavior standards. Recent times have shown increased ethical violations across big and small companies, from Wells Fargo to Apple.  These incidents show our great need for ethical leaders. But what moral principles […]


small business financial management


Small Business Financial Management Simplified: A Guide to Mastering Your Finances

Managing finances can be troublesome for small business owners. When done right, it can help you maximize profits, make better investments, and set a strong foundation for sustainable business growth. Conversely, not paying attention to this crucial aspect can result in missed opportunities or financial issues. Let’s talk more about financial management for small businesses. […]


what is the art of negotiation

Personal Growth

What Is the Art of Negotiation and How You Can Apply It as an Entrepreneur

Negotiation is a crucial skill you need as an entrepreneur. It’s like an art that can turn everyday business talks into chances for you to grow and succeed.  As a business leader, you often deal with complex agreements and must build strong, lasting relationships with your partners, clients, and suppliers. Getting the hang of negotiation […]


SEO Best Practices - Featured Image

Digital Marketing

SEO Best Practices [2023]: For Online Educators, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is among the top digital marketing strategies. It’s in the same league as content, email, and social media marketing. But SEO has its unique charm. By mastering it, you enhance your ability to be discovered by those actively seeking the knowledge or services you provide. So today, I’ll […]


Ways to Invest In Yourself - A plant being watered

Personal Growth

Ways to Invest in Yourself: A Comprehensive Guide for Personal Growth

Focusing on personal growth is more important than ever in a world where it’s easy to compare ourselves to others and feel dissatisfied. By investing time and effort into your development, you’re setting yourself up for a happier, more fulfilling life. This article is your guide to doing just that. It’s packed with practical, accessible […]



How to Delegate Tasks Effectively: Better Leadership in 7 Steps

As a leader, delegation is a soft skill that can help you better manage your team and projects. Honing your delegation skills is essential to excel and be a great entrepreneur and team leader.  Let’s explore the ins and outs of delegation in this article. After reading this, you’ll know its importance and learn some […]


how to manage a team remotely - female entrepreneur talking to her team online


How to Manage a Team Remotely – 7 Best and Effective Practices for Leaders

Remote work isn’t new, but it’s become the norm after the pandemic. Many local and global businesses have transitioned and adapted to it.  Moreover, outsourcing tasks to freelancers and remote companies has gained significant traction. It’s a cost-effective strategy that allows you to hire great people across the globe.  As an entrepreneur, business owner, or […]


character traits of successful people


8 Traits of Successful People You Should Embrace as an Entrepreneur

Success is not a lottery ticket you can hope to win one day. It is the fruit of persistent cultivation of character and an ongoing commitment to personal and professional growth. Beyond establishing habits, your character traits are the foundational stones upon which you build your career and business. Each trait has its place, purpose, […]


what is emotional intelligence in leadership

Personal Growth

What Is Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Why It Matters 

Have you ever wondered why some leaders naturally draw people in? While others with the same qualifications seem to push them away? The secret isn’t in their technical skills or knowledge (although they are also crucial!), but in their emotional intelligence.  For entrepreneurs like you, understanding and applying this unique skill can differentiate between a […]


Former global digital media agency executive for international companies, to now empowering online coaches in building their impactful and profitable businesses for long-term success.

Digital strategy is my professional expertise and emotional intelligence has long been my personal strength (did I mention I'm also a certified mindset coach?). Put them all together, you've got yourself a dynamo partner you want in your corner on your success journey!

Digital & Online Biz Strategist

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