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How to Manage a Team Remotely – 7 Best and Effective Practices for Leaders

how to manage a team remotely - female entrepreneur talking to her team online
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Remote work isn’t new, but it’s become the norm after the pandemic. Many local and global businesses have transitioned and adapted to it. 

Moreover, outsourcing tasks to freelancers and remote companies has gained significant traction. It’s a cost-effective strategy that allows you to hire great people across the globe. 

As an entrepreneur, business owner, or coach, understanding how to manage a team remotely is essential for success in this dynamic environment. In this article, let’s explore the key strategies and practices that can help you excel in this area. 

7 Tips for Managing Remote Teams Effectively 

1. Embrace the Virtual Work Culture

how to manage a team remotely - female entrepreneur talking to her team online

Paradigm shifts refer to big changes that disrupt how we do things and challenge established norms. These changes are not gradual. They happen suddenly and significantly, altering how things work.

In the context of remote work, we are witnessing a paradigm shift that’s reshaping the traditional office landscape.

To effectively manage remote teams, it’s crucial to accept this transformation and foster an online work culture fully. 

Here are practical strategies to help you achieve this:

  • Develop an Onboarding and Training System. Create a comprehensive onboarding process that equips your new members with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in remote working.
  • Invest in Tools. Consider using tools like Slack and Trello to enhance communication and collaboration within your remote team. These platforms facilitate seamless conversations, file sharing, and project management, making staying connected and organized easier.
  • Offer More Flexibility. Allow your members to choose flexible work hours or locations that accommodate their needs. Trust and autonomy are critical drivers of success in managing a team member remotely.

2. Establish Clear Communication Channels 

Communication is undeniably one of the most critical aspects of effective remote management, especially in a remote setting. 

Working remotely introduces unique challenges to how departments and teams communicate compared to traditional in-person settings. To succeed in managing remote employees, you must develop strategies for precise and efficient communication among you and your colleagues.

In this digital age, there are numerous ways to stay connected with your remote team. Consider using Zoom, Loom, and Slack for virtual meetings, video, and instant messaging. 

These platforms foster real-time communication and collaboration, bridging the geographical gaps that remote workers often face. 

Here’s what you can do to create communication systems that ensure clarity and efficiency: 

  • Define Communication Channels. Clearly outline which tools and platforms your team should use for different communication types, project updates, daily check-ins, or informal chats.
  • Set Expectations. Establish guidelines for response times and availability to ensure team members know when and how to reach each other.
  • Regular Check-Ins. Schedule regular team meetings to discuss project progress, challenges, and goals. Encourage team members to provide updates on their tasks and share any roadblocks they might face. 

3. Foster Team Engagement and Collaboration 

Managing remote teams presents unique challenges for leaders trained in traditional workplace settings. Overcoming the distance barrier requires creative solutions so you can build strong team engagement.

To foster collaboration and unity in your team, these are some things you can do: 

  • Organize Virtual Team Building Activities. Boost team morale and camaraderie through virtual activities like escape rooms or online trivia. These activities bring your team closer despite physical separation.
  • Provide Skill Development Training. Offer training aligned with members’ career goals. This investment demonstrates a commitment to their growth and professional development.
  • Create Collaboration Opportunities. Establish clear goals and shared projects to encourage collaboration. Regular video meetings with your team can openly help members discuss progress and challenges.

4. Implement a Robust Project Management System 

Centralized project management is vital for remote teams. Without it, you risk confusion, missed deadlines, and disjointed efforts. Effective project management ensures alignment and accountability, which are essential for your remote team’s success.

Fortunately, there’s a wealth of excellent project management tools available:

  • Trello. Known for its intuitive card-based system. Its user-friendly interface simplifies project tracking.
  • Asana. Asana’s flexibility and customizable features make it a versatile tool for remote project management.
  • It offers customizable templates and automation to streamline project tracking and enables your remote employees to collaborate efficiently.

But these tools won’t be that powerful if you don’t practice effective project management principles. Here are some of them: 

  • Clear Project Scope. Begin with a well-defined project scope that outlines objectives, timelines, and key deliverables. Make sure that everyone on your team knows the project’s purpose and their roles.
  • Regular Updates. Establish a routine for project updates and check-ins. Utilize a project management tool to monitor progress and encourage members to report on their tasks regularly.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability. Recognize that a remote environment may require you to make some adjustments. Be open to adapting your project plans and schedules to accommodate team members’ needs and external factors.

5. Encourage Flexibility While Maintaining Structure

Employees overwhelmingly favor flexible work — and they want more of it. Surveys consistently show that employees feel more productive and focused when given the option of hybrid work. 

This preference aligns with the numerous benefits that flexibility can offer you and your members.

Flexibility allows team members to better balance work and personal life, reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being. It increases job satisfaction, increases retention rates and reduces recruitment costs.

A flexible work schedule also empowers your members to choose when they are most productive, ultimately boosting efficiency and creativity.

To create a flexible yet productive work schedule for each team member.

  • Set Core Hours. Establish fixed working hours when members should be available for meetings and collaboration. Outside of these hours, allow flexibility for individual work.
  • Promote Task Autonomy. Encourage your members to take ownership of their tasks and deadlines. Empower them to prioritize their work based on their peak productivity times.

6. Prioritize Your Team’s Well-Being

Although working from home or remotely has benefits, it can also result in feelings of burnout and isolation. Employees may feel this way due to a lack of social interaction, the absence of clear boundaries between work and personal time, and the pressure to be constantly available.

As the leader, your primary objective is to ensure that your team’s well-being remains in good shape. Doing this is essential for their mental and emotional health and contributes to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

To boost your team’s well-being, you can: 

  • Encourage Regular Breaks. Remind your team to take regular breaks to recharge. Encourage short walks, stretching, or brief moments of relaxation during the workday to alleviate stress and improve focus.
  • Support Time Off. Allow your team to take vacations and rest when needed. Ensure they know taking time away from work to relax and recharge is acceptable.
  • Promote Mental Health Awareness. Encourage open dialogues about well-being and offer your team access to self-care resources and stress management techniques.

7. Leverage Technology for Efficiency

how to manage a team remotely - using technology

Technology plays an indispensable role in enhancing the efficiency of your remote workers. It is the backbone of modern virtual work setups, enabling smoother communication, streamlined project management, and automating routine tasks.

Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and automation can significantly boost your capabilities as a team leader. For instance, AI can help you analyze data to provide insights and predict project outcomes to aid strategic planning. 

Meanwhile, automation ensures that repetitive tasks are completed precisely and frees your team to focus on more complex, value-adding activities.

When it comes to practical tools that harness AI for team management, here are three you should consider:

  • Time Doctor. This AI-powered tool provides detailed insights into time management, helping ensure that your team’s productivity remains high.
  • ChatGPT by OpenAI. ChatGPT can automate text-based tasks, such as composing emails, creating content, or generating reports. It’s a versatile tool that can significantly reduce the time you and your team spend in content marketing. 
  • Salesforce. This can help you streamline client interactions and manage customer data efficiently.


There are many more tips out there, but implementing the seven outlined here will significantly enhance your team management. Let’s do a recap:

  • Embrace the Online Work Culture. Develop robust onboarding and trust in flexible work arrangements.
  • Build Clear Communication. Use platforms like Zoom and Slack for clarity and real-time collaboration.
  • Foster Engagement. Engage teams with virtual activities and shared goals to build unity.
  • Invest in a Good Project Management System. Implement tools like Trello and Asana for centralized task tracking.
  • Maintain Structure with Flexibility. Set core hours while promoting task autonomy for better work-life balance for your team. 
  • Prioritize Well-being. Encourage breaks, support time off, and provide mental health resources.
  • Leverage Technology. Use AI and automation efficiently with tools like Time Doctor, ChatGPT, and Salesforce.

Leadership in a remote working environment requires an ongoing commitment to learning and adapting to new tools and practices. So, stay informed and be adaptive!

Let’s Hear Your Thoughts 

What is the best advice or tip you received when managing remote team members? Let us know in the comments! 

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