Personal Growth

What’s the Difference Between Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring

the difference between coaching, consulting, and mentoring
I'm Steph!

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Coaching, consulting, and mentoring. Trying to figure out which bucket you belong in?

At first glance, they seem similar to each other. These three words are also often used interchangeably. So I understand if you think they have the same meaning.

But while they may sound similar, each actually plays a unique role.

Knowing the difference can mean the world when it comes to unlocking your personal and professional potential, scaling your business, and making pivotal decisions.

In this article, I’ll break down each term, highlight its unique features, and help you determine which one you need. So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get into it!

What is Coaching?

the difference between coaching, consulting, and mentoring - a coach and a man talking

Let’s kick things off with coaching – a term you’ve likely heard tossed around in countless business circles. 

At its core, coaching is a partnership. It’s a collaborative process where a coach guides you in identifying your answers and strategies rather than giving you a concrete solution. 

Coaching is not about instructing – it’s about exploring. It’s like having a navigational buddy on a road trip. They help you find the best route based on your preferences. 

In addition, a good coach listens more than they speak. They create a space where silence isn’t awkward, but an opportunity for reflection and growth. 

Below are a few popular coaching niches:

  • Career or Business Coaching
  • Health Coaching
  • Life Coaching
  • Mindset Coaching 
  • Financial Coaching

What is Consulting?

Consulting is all about leveraging specialized knowledge to solve specific problems. 

Consultants don’t guide. They give you actionable advice based on data and years of experience. They tell you what steps to take and dig into their wealth of knowledge to provide precise solutions. 

If a coach is your road trip buddy suggesting routes, a consultant is the seasoned local telling you the quickest way to your destination. 

They analyze your situation, dissect the data, and offer tailor-made advice. It’s less about exploration and more about concrete problem-solving. 

When should you consider hiring business consultants? 

Let’s say you need help acquiring clients for your mentoring program.

A business consultant can jump in, study your sales funnel, analyze your marketing metrics, and offer solid steps to boost client engagement and conversions.

Consulting can be your go-to if you’re looking for laser-focused, quick solutions. Here are the top consulting service niches in 2023:

  • StartUp and Online Business Consulting
  • IT Consulting
  • Marketing and Sales Automation Consulting
  • Software Development Consulting
  • Content Marketing Consulting

What is Mentoring?

difference between coaching, consulting, and mentoring - what is mentoring

If coaching is your gym buddy and consulting is the fitness expert telling you exactly what exercises to do, then think of a mentor as that wise family member who’s been going to the gym for years. 

Mentoring happens between someone more experienced (the mentor) and someone less experienced (the mentee). 

The mentoring relationship is established on mutual respect. What sets mentoring apart is it’s less about immediate problems or goals and more about personal and career development.

One of the invaluable aspects of mentoring is the chance to glean wisdom from someone who’s been in your shoes before. You can get insights you can’t easily find in a textbook or a how-to video. 

Mentoring means learning from an expert’s experience and applying them on your own path. 

For example, let’s say you’re pursuing a career in architecture. Having a mentor who has been practicing in this field for many years can provide you with invaluable insights. 

They can help guide you through the complexities of design, securing clients, and advise you on your journey in building a long-term career as an architect.

Key Differences Between Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring 

Now that we can identify each, it’s time to compare them. You might have gotten some ideas after reading their meanings above, but let me give you a better look. 

Let’s differentiate coaching, consulting, and mentoring relationships by their purposes and methods. 


The difference between coaching and consulting lies in relationship dynamics and goals.

Consulting provides specialized advice for a specific business issue, offering a solution-focused roadmap.

For example, if you’re a CEO looking to scale your startup, a consultant assesses your business and offers strategic recommendations. 

Coaching, on the other hand, empowers individuals to find their own solutions to personal or professional goals. A life or business coach uses questions and tools to guide you through self-discovery.

Mentoring is less structured, offering long-term guidance from someone experienced in your field. It’s like a young entrepreneur seeking broad advice from a seasoned business owner. 


In consulting and mentoring, advice flows mainly from the expert to the individual. 

For example, an entrepreneur aiming to break into sustainable technology might seek out a business mentor who’s successfully launched green tech startups. 

They’d lean on this mentor for insights based on real-world experience in that sector.

Consulting also involves a similar directional flow of expertise. 

Say that same entrepreneur realizes they must restructure their company for sustainability certifications. A consultant, who is experienced in such processes, could be brought in to offer a step-by-step plan tailored to that goal.

Coaching relationships, however, are more about facilitating self-discovery than providing expert advice. For instance, business coaches use probing questions to help you explore the way to your solution. 

Unlike mentoring and consulting, the coach doesn’t necessarily need to be an expert in the field of the individual being coached. 

In a nutshell, the difference between coaching and mentoring is that coaching empowers you through self-exploration, while mentoring and consulting offer specialized, experience-based advice.

Do You Need Coaching, Consulting, or Mentoring? 

I hope you have a better understanding between the three, but let’s quickly recap! 

  • Coaching is your go-to if you’re looking for someone to help you explore a pathway to achieving particular goals or milestones,  – like how to determine your niche for your coaching business or if you want to lead a healthier life.
  • Consulting is ideal if you’re seeking direction in achieving a specific business outcome.
  • Mentoring is the best choice if you’re craving wisdom from an expert in that field.

Let’s Hear Your Thoughts!

Are you thinking of launching your own business as a coach, consultant, or mentor? Let us know which niche you’re considering below!

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