
5 Common Mistakes New Coaches Make and How to Avoid Them

I'm Steph!

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Like any other profession, you will learn some valuable lessons along your journey as a new coach. 

In this article, I’ll share some of the biggest mistakes most coaches stumble upon and actionable ways to dodge them. 

Top 5 Common Mistakes New Coaches Make 

1 – Analysis Paralysis/ Perfectionism

common mistakes new coaches make - a coach thinking hard.

Have you ever had a brilliant idea that never saw the light of the day? 

Or you’ve had this fantastic coaching program idea that you’re still researching and planning, and you’re now mired in all the details with no end in sight. 

Every little aspect needs to be just right. The fonts, the modules, etc. Your momentum and excitement can be at risk the longer you hold off on launch as you continue refining and tweaking. 

Many coaches (and entrepreneurs) can relate, and that’s analysis paralysis right there. You’re letting the quest for perfection delay you from taking action and bringing your vision to life. 

How to Fight Analysis Paralysis 

  • Draft, Don’t Craft. Your first version doesn’t have to be your final version. Get your program offer out to market and refine it as you go along.
  • Small Steps, Big Gains. Start with manageable goals. If planning a 12-week program seems overwhelming right out the gate, why not start with smaller packages and see how that feels?
  • Get an Accountability Partner. Sometimes, you’re too close to a project to see it. Don’t hesitate to seek advice from trusted friends or mentors. 

2. Lack of Clarity in Niche and Target Audience

You’re serving everyone and no one at the same time if you don’t know exactly what your niche is and who your target audience is. 

Imagine trying to coach a Fortune 500 exec one minute and a college kid the next. Or deciding to be a life coach, but you’re coaching clients on how to invest their savings. 

Not niching down (especially as a new coach)  can reduce your effectiveness in marketing and confuse your audience. Not to mention increasing the difficulty in consistently landing clients. 

How to Zero in on Your Ideal Clients and Find Your Niche 

  • Know Who You Don’t Want to Work With. The quickest way to find out who you want to work with is to decide who you don’t. 
  • Detail Your Dream Client and Work. Be specific about who and what you want to teach. 
  • Understand the Market Need. By ensuring there’s a genuine need for your expertise, you position yourself in a sweet spot where your passion meets client demand.

3. Lack of Boundaries

common mistakes new coaches make - a dictionary showing the word boundary and has a tear in the middle

Difficult clients are inevitable. While being there for your clients is crucial, there’s a fine line between being accessible and becoming a doormat. And for demanding clients, that line can blur quickly.

Professional boundaries help you keep your sanity, improve the quality of your work, and set the stage for a respectful coach-client relationship.

Creating Healthy Boundaries

  • Set Clear Expectations. Specify your availability, response times, and clients’ expectations. Make it part of your coaching contract if you have to.
  • Uphold Your Boundaries. Stick to your rules, and don’t waver. If you bend them even once, it’s like saying that pushing those lines is okay. 
  • Keep the Focus on Them. While personal stories can add a nice touch, remember the coaching relationship is ultimately about your clients, not you. Keep conversations centered around the client’s goals and challenges.

4 – Not Clearly Communicating Expectations

As a new coach, you might be enthusiastic and eager to help, which can sometimes lead to overlooking the importance of establishing clear guidelines with your clients from the onset. 

This is more than just about scheduling sessions and deciding on the medium of communication. This dives deep into the nitty-gritty of what both parties can expect from the partnership.

Setting expectations as early and clearly as possible will help you set a stage for mutual respect, ensure efficiency, and lay down a foundation for trust.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Vague Communication

  • Document Everything. Start with a coaching agreement or contract. It should lay out the expectations, goals, communication preferences, and other essential aspects. 
  • Regular Check-ins. Is there anything that needs adjustment? This keeps the lines of communication open and provides opportunities for recalibration.
  • Ask for Feedback. Encourage your clients to voice their expectations, needs, and concerns.

5. Not Placing Enough Importance on Online Marketing and Branding

One common oversight many new coaches make is assuming that expertise or competence alone is enough to fill their pipeline with consistent clients.

The reality is that in addition to honing your craft, you also have to establish your brand and learn how to market your new business. You’re setting your business up for a better chance at long-term success and consistent revenue by working on your marketing and brand.. Plus, converting your prospects into clients will be much easier. 

How to Market Your Coaching Business

  • Provide Value First. Whether it’s a free workshop, insightful blog posts, or downloadable resources, give potential clients a taste of what you bring to the table.
  • Engage and Listen. Respond to your audience’s queries, acknowledge their feedback, and create content that addresses their specific needs and pain points. 
  • Be Authentic. Share your journey, your challenges, and your successes. Let clients see the real you, and they’ll be more inclined to trust your guidance.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

If you have been guilty of committing one or more of the listed mistakes, don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

Let’s quickly summarize the common mistakes new coaches make:

  • Don’t let perfectionism hold you back.
  • Define your niche and know exactly who you’re serving.
  • Set and maintain firm boundaries for a balanced coach-client relationship.
  • Communicate expectations with clarity from the start.
  • Focus on genuine branding and marketing rather than aggressive sales.

Remember to have fun while embracing challenges, learn from them, and consistently move forward in your business.

Let’s Hear Your Thoughts 

Which one of the mistakes above resonates with you? Take a moment to reflect and let us know in the comments!

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